GET api/{database}/PersonInRoleNVL/{roleType}

Gets a name value list of PersonInRoleNVL that matches the specified criteria

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
roleType The roleType. Accepted values are: Value Description 0 General 1 ContactForSalesOrders 2 ContactForPurchaseOrders 3 ContactForSalesInvoices 4 ContactForPurchaseInvoices 5 ContactForProjects 6 ContactForSubscriptions 7 ContactForActionsAndNotes 8 ApproverForPurchaseOrders 9 ApproverForSalesOrders 10 ApproverForQuotations 11 ApproverForSupplierInvoices 12 AccountsReceivableEmployee 13 AccountsPayableEmployee 14 Salesperson 15 PurchasePerson 16 ProjectManager 17 ProjectEmployee 18 ContactForQuotation 19 AccountManager 20 ContactForManagement 21 ContactForAccountant 22 TimesheetEmployee 23 QuotationPerson 24 SubscriptionsPerson

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

    "name": "sample string 1",
    "value": "sample string 2"
    "name": "sample string 1",
    "value": "sample string 2"
    "name": "sample string 1",
    "value": "sample string 2"

application/xml, text/xml

<ArrayOfNameValuePair xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <Name>sample string 1</Name>
    <Value>sample string 2</Value>
    <Name>sample string 1</Name>
    <Value>sample string 2</Value>
    <Name>sample string 1</Name>
    <Value>sample string 2</Value>