DELETE api/{database}/ReportTemplateConfiguration/{reportType}/{reportSubType}/{languageId}/{customerId}/{supplierId}

Deletes the specified ReportTemplateConfiguration

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
reportType The reportType. Accepted values are: Value Description 0 Unknown 1 WebInvoice 2 Invoice 4 WebAccountOverview 8 AccountOverview 16 Order 32 ShippingOrder 64 PackingList 128 PermanenceOverview 256 FinancialStatement 512 TrialBalance 1024 ProfitAndLoss 2048 OutstandingItemsSales 4096 OutstandingItemsPurchase 8192 GeneralLedgerEntries 16384 TurnOverVATDeclaration

Define this parameter in the request URI.

reportSubType The reportSubType. Accepted values are: Value Description 0 Unknown 1 GenericInvoice 2 ServiceInvoice 3 OrderInvoice 4 DirectSalesInvoice 5 SubscriptionInvoice 6 TimesheetInvoice 7 ProjectInvoice 8 AccountOverview 9 ShippingOrder 10 PackingList

Define this parameter in the request URI.

languageId The languageId.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

customerId The customerId.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

supplierId The supplierId.

Define this parameter in the request URI.